
\[ \begin{array}{ll} \hline \textbf{Symbol} & \textbf{Meaning} \\ \hline A, Abs & \text{absorbance} \\ \beta & \text{density gradient constant} \\ \lambda & \text{wavelength} \\ \sigma & \text{standard deviation}\\ \bar\nu & \text{partial specific volume} \\ \omega & \text{angular velocity} \\ c & \text{sample concentration}\\ c_{0} & \text{initial sample concentration} \\ D & \text{diffusion coefficient} \\ \epsilon & \text{molar absorptivity} \\ f & \text{frictional coefficient} \\ f/f_{0}, k & \text{frictional ratio} \\ F_{b} & \text{bouyant force}\\ F_{f} & \text{frictional force } \\ F_{c} & \text{centrifugal force} \\ I & \text{intensity of light}\\ J & \text{fringes} \\ K & \text{Temperature}\\ m & \text{mass of sample} \\ M & \text{molar mass} \\ n & \text{refractive index} \\ r & \text{radial distance from axis of rotation} \\ s & \text{sedimentation coefficient} \\ S & \text{Svedberg unit} \\ t & \text{experimental time}\\ v & \text{sedimentation velocity} \\ V & \text{volume} \\ \hline g & \text{acceleration due to gravity} \\ k_{B} & \text{Boltzmann constant} \\ N_{A} & \text{Avogadro's number}\\ R & \text{universal gas constant} \\ \hline c(s) & \\ g(s) & \text{differential sedimentation coefficient distribution} \\ G(s) & \text{integral sedimentation coefficient distribution}\\ w(M) & \text{differential molar mass distribution} \\ W(M) & \text{integral molar mass distribution} \\ \end{array} \]


\[ \begin{array}{ll} \text{2DSA} & \text{2-dimensional spectrum analysis} \\ \text{ABDE} & \text{analytical buoyant density equilibrium}\\ \text{ASTFEM} & \text{} \\ \text{AU} & \text{absorbance unit}\\ \text{AUC} & \text{analytical ultracentrifugation} \\ \text{CCH} & \text{Canadian Center for Hydrodynamics} \\ \text{CI} & \text{confidence interval} \\ \text{DLS} & \text{dynamic light scattering} \\ \text{GA} & \text{genetic algorithm} \\ \text{GMP} & \text{good manufacturing practices} \\ \text{L-M} & \text{Levenberg- Marquardt}\\ \text{MWL} & \text{multi-wavelength} \\ \text{NNLS} & \text{non-linear(ly constrained) least squares}\\ \text{OD} & \text{optical density}\\ \text{PCSA} & \text{parametrically constrained spectrum analysis}\\ \text{PM} & \text{photomultiplier} \\ \text{RMSD} & \text{root mean square deviation}\\ \text{RCF} & \text{relative centrifugal field }\\ \text{RPM} & \text{revolutions per minute} \\ \text{SE} & \text{sedimentation equilibrium}\\ \text{SNR} & \text{signal-to-noise ratio}\\ \text{SV} & \text{sedimentation velocity}\\ \text{UV} & \text{ultra-violet} \\ \text{vHW} & \text{van Holde-Weischet} \\ \end{array} \]